

Page history last edited by TuesMarApr3 9 years, 10 months ago

March 10th 2015     


First I got my gear and my horse for our joust.

My horse I named was Grumm so it would be upside-down.

I watched two rounds before I jousted and when I did I won against shushu2181.

This was only the first few rounds though. First round TheKN683won against derpslat, then Dovah_Dragon went against mcbacca123 and mcbacca won.

I was about to PVP TheKN583 but we ran out of time.


March 17th 2015     


I battled against TheKN583 and I lost.

Then I watched them battle someone else.     

I went into a pvp battle in the arena red team won.

I also went to the pvp arena and I also beat the blue team again.

thats all we did this day.


March 31st 2015 

We just went straight to the pvp arena and we just smacked each other around all day long.

Blue team won against the red team, the red team lost pretty badly.

We did a second round and blue team wrecked us again.

We went to Da Beach and we just went there to play at Da Beach.

We almost killed all the villagers more then once.


April 7th 2015


I watched Derpsplats and TheKN583 battle it out and TheKN583 only had chain and a stone sword and Derpsplats had full diamond armour and still lost. They battled again and Derpsplats lost again which was extremely embarrassing for him because he had the better gear and weapon and still lost twice.We watched them battled 5 times and derpsplat won 2 times and TheKN583 won 3 times with bad gear.

Then Ivan and I beat each other up just for the laughs and I killed Derpsplat 20 times so he couldn't get his stuff and because it was funny for me.Then I battled TheKN583 and we didn't finish because the time ran out and we are going to finish our PVP match the next time.


April 14th 2015


I PVPed TheKN583 and lost a bunch of times and we went to the tnt world. We played run away from the Dragon with ender pearls, and TheKN583 and I Ender pearled for our lives and I got killed and TheKN583 won.We sumotory at the end so we could have a bunch of fun. TheKN583 won every single time. We first used tnt to sumotory but after a while we used stone.We just did that for a bunch of time. Then we were forced stop.

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