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Terragrim Jr

Page history last edited by Terragrim 10 years, 5 months ago

January 21, 2014


My game was a total disaster. I only got to play for a few mins . I hope I could play for a long time.   


January 28, 2014

Today I played survival  alone with no sever . I got killed by a skelleton and lost all my items.I was so furious that I forgot to set a spawn. Next time I am going to make a house so then I could spawn and get a lot of cool things. And before I died I thought there was a glitch or something because I think I saw a mutant zombie


Feb. 11/14

This time I went In survival alone and I  broke some wood  and I'm going to make a house. I want to get matrials to make a house. I want to make a easy mineing faciletie. I will need pistons and torches. I will be a strong minecraft.                                


Feb. 18/14


This time I joined morgan in minecraft and went in to  survival island.I asked xi and dennis to join me and morgan so then I can have more fun.I'M going to make myself a room.I'm going to get sand and turn It to glass and then turn it in to glass bottles.And then I'm going to go to make a a nice house.


mar  18


This time i went to join morgan again. I joined and then I figured out that xi chon is playing .I told him to save me from dieing but I died. Today I am going to spawn the wither




This time I spawned the wither but I  failed.I also went in survival but when I went to the nether I was in creative.I also explored the nether before i went to the world. I failed the wither by wearing full chainmail armour.I am going to make a horse.


Comments (5)

Terragrim said

at 3:57 pm on Jan 28, 2014

This time I got to play but not enough .I am going to play for 1 hour

Terragrim said

at 4:03 pm on Jan 28, 2014

I will be an awsome suvivar .In my ipod I found dimands i was sooo happy. I HOPE I get to play.M y brother got them All

TingLeditor@gmail.com said

at 9:15 am on Feb 18, 2014

I look forward to reading your Feb. 11 entry Terra Jr!

Terragrim said

at 4:05 pm on Feb 18, 2014

I did'ent do any thing but to make it you could put no permission to break blocks.

TingLeditor@gmail.com said

at 9:16 am on Feb 25, 2014

Don't forget to finish your Feb. 18 entry before you play on Feb. 25. I heard you had a great time playing with other club members!

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