
Liragrim's Page

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on April 16, 2012 at 8:18:45 pm



Hi everyone! I'm Liragrim. I thought it was only fair for me to make a page too, since everyone else in my school's Minecraft Club was creating things.


I first started playing Minecraft in October 2011. I wasn't sure I'd like it but Praxismaxis encouraged me to try it out.

I was absolutely HORRIBLE at it at first. I couldn't walk. It took me nearly two months of playing before I finally started to make a house - prior to that, I just slept over at other players' shelters! I'm getting a lot better at it now. I'm not as talented as some of the other players but that's okay.


Here's a picture of my avatar. I have to warn you - I love taking screen shots of my adventures!



February 13, 2012 = Today we all played on single server mode because the open port request hasn't been completed. The other "Grims" of Agnes Macphail P.S. taught me SO many things!


Things I Learned Today

  • it is possible to kill a creeper with a sword > attack, then retreat 6-7 blocks and repeat (he won't blow up)
  • if it's too dark, you can fix that > go to video settings and adjust to "brightest"
  • you can wear a pumpkin on your head > in your inventory, just drag the pumpkin to the spot for a helmet
  • sugar cane only needs one block of water beside it to grow > you can even grow it inside your house!
  • to pick apples, hit branches and they may fall


We asked the Grims to report on their single-mode play today and list the various ways they've died.

I have

- fallen to my death

- been assassinated by creepers

- been murdered by zombie pig men

- burnt to death in lava

- drowned in the ocean


Week of March 5-9, 2012 = Agnes Macphail PS's attempts to access the multi-player server have been thwarted by the open port / firewall issue with the school board. We hope to have it resolved after March Break. MCEPIC0, Rhythigrim, and Helllcrafterz actually met with me on an extra day to try and trouble-shoot the issues. Although we weren't successful, we played on single player mode and the trio taught me some new tricks, like how to make an automatic door. I took notes and when I went home, I tried it on my other server world. Here's the results!



And just as a bit of a "teaser trailer" for everyone, here's a screen shot of the AMPS Safe House. If you can find it, take a photo of you and your friends in front of it and post it to your avatar page. Highland Heights and Duke of Connaught folks are welcome to hang out there if they need a safe place to hide from creepers.



Week of March 19-23, 2012 = Today was AWESOME because the multiplayer server finally worked! I should've audiotaped all the talking we were doing together - although on second thought, maybe it's good I didn't because I was yelling pretty loud because I was excited. I blame my computer - I had the volume turned up and I was trying to be heard above all the rainfall.

I tried something new today - I used the "wasd" keys instead of the arrow keys for moving and I liked it. It's going to take some getting used to, because for nearly 6 months I've been using U for use, I for inventory, and A for attack. I think this new way will make me handle battles smoother. I still forget my new keys sometimes.

A lot of the Grims were having problems finding the Grim Safe House so we shouted out suggestions for making it easier to find. Some of the ideas were:

- teleporting players

- making a tall tower of dirt or wood

- creating a torch trail

In the end, I made a few "fire arrows" on the ground using some torches that would point the way towards the Grim House. It actually worked! Sociagrim followed the arrows like breadcrumbs and found the house. Artagrim found the place on his own.

Taking screen shots on the Macs is too difficult for me right now, so I returned to the server later on to take a picture of the amazing house Pondergrim and Calcagrim are making. I'll post it here when I get a chance.

I nearly forgot to add that I made my first video using Fraps! Athanateos taught me about it and I downloaded it on my home computer and tried it. It's a pretty jerky video of the restaurant Phisagrim made in the Nether on another server, but it's not a bad beginning.

Week of March 26-30, 2012

Playing was a bit irregular this time. Some of our people couldn't get on. Some accidentally updated. The totally brilliant and talented player Athanateos figured out a way to revert back to the old version of the game if you have the newer version by mistake. Ask him how to do it - it's a bit complicated for me to understand, but he knows how. We exchanged greetings with Troisaerie but we heard that the Duke of Connaught group was having problems logging on. I gave up my computer so that Sociagrim could get a chance to play - her computer was acting up. I didn't get to play too much but hopefully next time will be better.


Here's my first ever Minecraft video made with Fraps!



Week of April 2-5, 2012

We had a wicked time on the TDSB multiplayer server today! I was a bit worried because many of our members were late but they just had to finish work and things like that. Pondergrim was the only one missing. I actually taped us in action - just our voices, not our faces! I'll see if I can post it on here.

Artagrim nearly got kicked off the server today because he smacked a couple of his fellow Grims. Hellcrafterz said it's hard for him, with his extensive PvP experience, to avoid striking out at newcomers. To solve this, the Grims are going to build a PvP Battle Arena, a safe place where people can fight in Minecraft if they choose to do so. We scouted out a good location and Rhythigrim had a great idea - sort of like the opening space in the arena for Catching Fire (the second book in the Hunger Games series), we are going to build the PvP arena in the middle of the ocean! MCEPIC0 helped me collect water lilies that I can use to build the support beams. I think it's going to look amazing!

Week of April 10-13, 2012

Every week is enjoyable for different reasons! This week, everyone had different projects they were working on. MC, Helly and Ath made a GORGEOUS place for the three of them to live with a secret entrance. I got to see a bit of it over their shoulders near the end of today's club meeting and it is awesome! MC and Rhyth were competing to see who would be the first on the server to tame a cat. Congratulations to Rhythigrim and her new pet! Calca, Ponder, Terra, and Socia were busy getting lost, finding their way, getting resources and finding stuff. Artagrim and I worked on the new PvP Battle Zone and it is AMAZING! I found out that I can't build on top of lily pads (darn) so instead I built a long dirt bridge to the middle of the ocean and began to create the floor. The battle arena is going to be great to play in because it's a real challenge. Artagrim helped me design it. It is a 10X10 square made of lapis lazuli with no borders, so you have to be careful not to fall into the ocean below. We made some other perfect squares so it wouldn't be completely flat and so both long range and short range fighters can have an equal chance at success. We also made the spectator arena. Next on our list of things to do will be to make the preparation area for the battle. It's hard to take a screen shot on the Mac so I may log on at home using my PC to grab some photos of our beautiful structure.

Week of April 16-20, 2012

Minecraft time flies when you are busy building! Artagrim and I finished the spectator area for the battle zone and then I built the preparation place for the battle. I have to ask Praxismaxis and/or the people at EDGE Lab to add the Battlenight supplement so we can PvP safely. I can't finish it (e.g. destroy the bridge to the battle arena, wall up the club houses) until I use my special codes to designate the zones. I think it looks really cool. Everyone else seemed to have a good time. Hellcrafterz has made a requests page - I said that if you wanted a special item, I'd consider OPing it if you could persuade one of the admins why it was a good idea for you to get it. This offer is open to the Grims of AMPS, the Aeries of DoCPS, and the Rools of HHJPS.

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