

Page history last edited by Bishnog2018MayTues 6 years, 5 months ago

may 2nd


 I killed my first enderman with half a heart left.I found a red sand desert biom while finding a new island.I saw my friend leo die very funny by lava.I found 2 revines in but i died in the first one.I crafted to many swords and picaxe.


may 9th


I found diamonds while diging to bedrock.I SPENT 15 MINS trying to find out why i can't join leo's sever. I finally been able to craft iron amour .Finnally built a house to live in.


May 16th


I found more diamonds while digging coal.leo's staircase to his house turned into silverfish that almost killed me. persplat created a wither that ended up killing him.


May 22 last day!



Today leo's sever shut down so we could not come so we played in Eric's sever.There was a zombie apolcolcalpes that then a creeper almost blew me up. leo and me made a deal that we will fight and guess how won........... I WON 

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