Date: Apr,10,2018
Today in Minecraft i made a arcade with my friend. In the arcade we almost made the floor and we made the outline of the arcade. The next time we play Minecraft me and my friend are going to make more of the arcade. Also we might put some redstone. But best of all i had fun and i can't wait for the next Minecraft club! ;D
Date: Apr,17,2018
Today in minecraft me and my friend did the arcade. This time we did the floor and almost the roof. For the floor i make a cool looking pattern! We also did pvp. That stands for player vs player. Next time we will most likely finish the roof and put some arcade games we also will use redstone. We will make the lobby cooler. But i can't wait for next time!
Date: Apr,23,2018
Today in Minecraft. Me and my friends are done the arcade! So this time we did PvP. Then we did bed wars for a bit. Next time we will finish the bed wars mach. Tomorrow i we will have Minecraft club again. Bye!
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