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Page history last edited by Dersplat2017JanThurs 7 years, 7 months ago

 January 11, 2017


 Today I play on minecraft I made a tunnel so when it rains I go in. I saw a big spider so I decided to destroy with a torch. Next up I saw a black monster and I had a knife so I also destroyed it. When I was digging I saw water going in a path so made a water slide in the middle of the ride, there is a window and I saw cows. I saw all of the cows from earlier at the end, I flew back to go again.





When I play minecraft I builded a house with Tersplat. The house has a swimming pool and a water slide be side of it. My friend Rishnog taught me how to train a wolf. So I got two wolves and I trained them. So the wolves got a pup but I couldn't see the pup so I took the wolves out of the spot I was training them. But I didn't know I had to land in water so I landed on land and both of them died which left me with a pup. So then my friend Rishnog told me why did you land it on land? Because I did not now it would die. So then Tersplat asked me to help build the house so i flew over to her but I forgot that the pup can't land on land so the pup died too.                                                  





Today when I play minecraft I tried to train a bat but you can't a bat in minecraft so I did not get a pet bat. So I got a horse and tried to train too but it ran away so I did not get a horse either. My friend Rishnog help me get a horse and train it so I had a horse. When Rishnog and I were train my horse I saw a zombie horse too. I had a bow and arrow so I use it for fun. 





When I play minecraft  I went to Gersplat house for a party. I had a bow and arrow again so I use it and I hit some chicken and some sheep. When I was flying I saw a lot of chicken so I few there.When I got there I saw a horse so I train it for a pet. I got on the horse and I use my bow and arrow and hit some more chicken. Today was fun but it is the last day of minecraft club : [ .
























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