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Page history last edited by Gersplat2016May 8 years, 4 months ago

1.I lean how to add things on mine craft  Liragrim told me how to add things she that to press f to add things 


2.fersplat2016may she was hitting me so i killed her (we not alone too)


3. Kersplat was hitting Liragrim 


4.fuzzyhamters she got killed by the shakers because merplat did that 


5.kersplat was making a tree house that looked nice he is gonna firsted it 



May 12, 2016


Today i saw mersplat making a TNT Block 

and tersplat and mersplat were fighting sitter

they killed that was fun looking at  

fuzzy hamster made a house it looked nice

and tersplat help her make her house 

i  lean how to Tp people  



May 19, 2016

i didht do any work because the computer  didht work . so i watch everyone play minecraft. it was fun to watch play minecraft .i learn how to tame a cat in computer.

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