Tuesday, March 1st 2016.
Today I Started to build a house but then I gave up on it, it was to much work. Next I made a really over powered diamond gear and I helped vishnog kill the wither. Then me and Calcagrim had a war we were trolling each other but we were friendly about it and it was fun. After that I met Praxis and he was trying to fix the pvp zone. Apparently it wasn't working in the 1.9 update so we couldn't do that so that was the down part of the experience but I had a lot of fun
Tuesday march 8th 2016
I was trying to pvp but It didn't work. I tried to build a house but I gave up because the build button was F so I couldn't build fast. I made a Lan world and a bunch of people joined. I didn't have food so I killed some sheep and cooked some motion. Then I started battling noir but Andy interrupted and It was zoo laggy! I had lots of fun and want to play on the server I made next time too.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Today I was playing on my Lan world it was fun. I was setting up my inventory and I turned cheats on. Me and Kersplat2 were fighting it was awesome! I also watched someone else battle it was a very long battle! I had lots have fun and exciting! I couldn't play in the beginning because I needed to write the last times report because I didn't have time to do it. I was really bored so I made a good set of armour. kersplat2 made awesome armour he fought 2 people! He won both but he is still not as good as me at pvp.
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