I went to the neither and spawned blazes, ghasts and magma cubes.I also blew up a area with TNT and both of my wolfs. In the beginning I enchanted diamond gear and diamond tools. Also I ridded a pig but he got stuck so I had to kill him. I also had to kill like 10 creepers and like 10 horses. Also I tried to build a railway for a train but I failed next time I will try to make more contact with my friends. I learned how to move ,use commands and cheats in Minecraft too. We were in creative mode so we didn't have to mine or craft. The truth is that I was scared to die so I only played in creative mode. Finally I will tell you about what I did in the start, in the start I tamed some wolfs and then I used name tags that have the name Alfred on them to name the wolfs. That's about it so Bye!
Today I made my own world because the school world was lagging so then I started killing animals because there were to much animals so the game lagged, I made a bed, leather boots, a crafting table, a wooden pickaxe, and a wooden sword. I joined back to the school server because my world was lagging bad and I mean very bad. I went to the end and killed to withers and quitted. I then joined Jeremy's server and got teleported to Mishnog and trapped me, he tried to killed me grrrrrrrrr the rage. I then gave myself good armour and a good sword and thats about it.
Today the computer is being naughty very very verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy naughty so I payed on a different account. Also before we played we waited a long time. By the time I was on there were only 40 minutes left. I had to enchant new armour it was so hard I had to get like 20 enchanted books. I went to the world Evan's world I was organizing my inventory and than Dishnog killed me by making me fall out the world so I had to organize my inventory again and again
Today I saw that there was something called shellker It is a weird mob it can teleport and stick on to anything. It is a very naughty mob to It killed a Iron golem and each other. It cannot be killed by arrows. Later I tried to go to the end I made the ender portal two times and both didn't
work so I tried to use the eye of ender and all the attemps were fails. Also I accidentally set a tree on fire. My game was lagging because there was a lot of lava. This was the last day for Minecraft club dis is very sad bbbyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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