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Page history last edited by Kersplat2016Jan 8 years, 7 months ago

 Jan 5 2016   In Minecraft, I spawned some horses and killed some horses. Then, I tamed a couple horses. Unfortunately, they all died in pools of lava. Next, I spawned and tamed a pig. Then, I teleported to my friend, Mersplat. She invited me to her home and then, I spawned a new horse, decked it out in FINE diamond horse armour. Then, I tried taming an ocelot but it ran away and then I killed it. Later, I spawned a dog and named it "Daug" my friend trapped it in a wall and then I decided to end its misery. I named my horse Sharon Jr, and my pig, Shaniqua. But unfortunately, Our other friend Kishnog, came and put our pets on leads. First, he messed up our horsey by putting a permanent lead on it, and then he put our pet pig, Shaniqua on a lead and then he flew up to the sky and flew back down. The pig died. 




Jan 12 2016


     Today in Minecraft, I helped my friend, Mersplat build our house. We added 2 more floors and it looked awesome! The first floor is birch, the second floor is jungle wood, the third floor is acacia, and the last floor is spruce. I added some chairs and a mini basketball court to one of our rooms. I also spawned in a horse, tamed it and named it Eggy. ( Also clothed him in FABULOUS gold horse armour.) He has spotted fur. I tamed a pig and named her Sharon Jr. After that, I tamed a wolf and named him Fabio. On the last floor, we added a porch and some lawn chairs. After working on our house, we played a few games of b-ball. It was fun.




Today in Minecraftt, I spawned in a horse and then named him Bagel. Then, my friend Mersplat put him on a lead, flew up to the sky and KILLED him. Poor Bagel... But then, I spawned in a donkey, tamed her and named her Mable. But then again, Mer killed her. Later, my other friend Kishnog came and turned my pets into babies by feeding them milk! They were adorable. I also spawned a pig and named hr Sharon Sr.




Jan 19 2016


Today in Minecraft (creative 24/7!), me and Ker started building and furnishing our rooms; we finally made our bedrooms! I made mine out of quartz and dark oak and gave my bed a canopy. It was amaze. Then, I put some daisies in pots around the house. Also, my pet wolf FABIO grew up! YAY! I also spawned a horse, and I named her Lettuce. I also spawned a pig and named him Mr. Doughnut!!! 




Jan 21 2016


Today in Minecraft, the servers didn't work, so we had to create LAN worlds. First, I started in survival; I got some wood and tools and started building the foundation for our home. But then, I got killed by mobs several times, and then I got set off course and my friend Mer started a new LAN world named DORIS ERRDAY. We started looking for animals and we came upon a ravine and a dessert temple. It was kind of boring. THEN, I died again, so I tp'd to my other friend Persplat and she kicked me out of her house ( I was in creative BTW) and I moved away and moved into a tall mountain.



Jan 26 2016


Today is THE LAST DAY OF MINECRAFT CLUB. :'( Me, Mer, and Kish built a pig racing arena. Kish got first and I got second.

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